Wednesday 8 May 2019

Higher-Order Consciousness Through Systemic Functional Linguistics

Edelman (1992: 133):
While the embodiment of meaning and reference can be related to real objects and events by the reentrant connections between value-category memory and perception (primary consciousness), simultaneous interactions can also occur between a symbolic memory and the same conceptual centres. An inner life, based on the emergence of language in a speech community, becomes possible. This is tied to perceptual and conceptual structures, but it is highly individual (indeed, it is personal) and it is also strongly tied to affect and reward. It is higher-order consciousness, capable of modelling the past, present, future, a self, and a world.

Blogger Comments:

From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory, "real objects and events" are construals of experience as meaning. Strictly speaking, 'objects' and 'events' are linguistic construals of experience as material-order meaning (phenomena), the content of higher-order consciousness.

Primary consciousness involves the correlation of instances of construals of experience as perceptual meaning (perception) with the system of potential perceptual meanings (value-category memory).

The personal 'inner life' that is higher-order consciousness involves the correlation of these correlations of primary consciousness with the systems of linguistic potential. Models of 'the past, present, future, a self and a world' are construals of experience as the linguistic content of higher-order consciousness.

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