Penrose (2004: 1010, 1011):
It has been a not uncommon view among confident theoreticians that we may be ‘almost there’, and that a ‘theory of everything’ may lie not far beyond the subsequent developments of the late 20th century. …
From my own perspective, we are much farther from a ‘final theory’ even than this. …
It would be unwise to predict with any great confidence that even these theories are close to making the further necessary leaps that would guide us to the true road to the understanding of physical reality.
Blogger Comments:
From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory, there is no final 'theory of everything' because this assumes the 'transcendent' view of meaning that Quantum experiments invalidate: that there is meaning outside semiotic systems which the meaning of physics will eventually match.
Instead, physical theories are open-ended evolving semiotic systems, that adapt to the material and semiotic environments in which they function, and 'truth' in this context, means the validity of the theorising and of the assumptions on which the theorising is founded, or founders.
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