Monday, 29 January 2024

The Environmental Decoherence Perspective Viewed Through Systemic Functional Linguistics

Penrose (2004: 1031):
The issue of environmental decoherence also provides us with merely a stopgap position, since the inaccessibility of the information ‘lost in the environment’ does not mean that it is actually lost, in an objective sense. But for the loss to be subjective, we are again thrown back on the issue of ‘subjectively perceived — by whom?’ which returns us to the conscious-observer question. 
In any case, even with environmental decoherence, if we retain rigorous adherence to U evolution for the ‘true’ quantum description of the universe, then we are driven to the many-worlds description of reality.

Blogger Comments:

From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory, the 'Environmental Decoherence' interpretation of Quantum Theory misconstrues the interdependence of potential as an entanglement of instances (states of the environment). The 'information' is inaccessible to a conscious observer because it is potential, not because it is 'lost in the environment'.

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