Saturday, 13 January 2024

The Needed New Perspective On Quantum Theory Viewed Through Systemic Functional Linguistics

Penrose (2004: 1025):
It is certainly possible that there are many clues to Nature’s ways hidden in such data, even if we do not properly read them yet. Recall that Einstein’s general relativity was crucially based on his insight (the principle of equivalence) which had been implicit in observational data that had been around since (and before) the time of Galileo, but not fully appreciated. There may well be other clues hidden in the immeasurably more extensive modern observations. Perhaps there are even ‘obvious’ ones, before our very eyes, that need to be twisted round and viewed from a different angle, so that a fundamentally new perspective may be obtained concerning the nature of physical reality. 
I believe, indeed, that a new perspective is certainly needed, and that this change in viewpoint will have to address the profound issues raised by the measurement paradox of quantum mechanics and the related non-locality that is inherent in EPR effects and in the issue of ‘quanglement’. I have argued that the measurement paradox must be deeply interconnected with the principles of general relativity. Perhaps new experiments may lead the way to the needed improved understandings of quantum theory. Perhaps there will be other types of experiment shedding light on the nature of quantum gravity. Perhaps, on the other hand, it will be theoretical considerations that will take us forward.


Blogger Comments:

From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory, the clues to a new perspective lie, not in the data, but in what the data invalidates: the epistemological assumption that meaning transcends semiotic systems, including the language that realises theory.

The epistemological assumption that all meaning is within semiotic systems is consistent with the dependence of experimental findings on the observations of conscious meaning-makers, and the distinction between potential and instance clarifies such construals of experience as meaning as instances of a range of 'entangled' potential construals of meaning.

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