Monday 1 August 2016

The Thoughts Of Marx In Systemic Functional Linguistics [2]

Russell (1960: 749):
I think we may interpret Marx as meaning that the process which philosophers have called the pursuit of knowledge is not, as has been thought, one in which the object is constant while all the adaptation is on the part of the knower.  On the contrary, both subject and object, both the knower and the thing known, are in a continual process of mutual adaptation.  He calls the process 'dialectical' because it is never fully completed.

Blogger Comments:

From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistic theory, the 'pursuit of knowledge' is the evolution (phylogenesis) of ideational meanings in the registers of language realising particular fields (theories, etc.).  This evolution of ideas is fed by their development in individuals (ontogenesis), which, in turn, is fed by their instantiation in texts (logogenesis).

As such meanings evolve, they potentially change both the way experience is construed and the experiences that are construed.

The 'knower' and the 'thing known' are construals of experience as cognitive Senser and cognitive Phenomenon.

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